
100% Made In Italy production and 50-year experience, system, environmental and product certifications, passion for extrusion, which in the transition between generations has evolved in dedication to research and development. These are some of the cards that Mebra Plastik Italia puts into play every day in support of the success of its customers. Loyal customers in the automotive sector entrust the safety and comfort of their vehicles every day to the quality of Mebra production. A combination of cutting-edge materials, innovative technologies and company know-how that allows us to compete in a market where efficiency, punctuality and quality are absolute musts.

truck and trailer pneumatic tubing connection automotive


Mebra Plastik Italia has successfully obtained the system and product certifications necessary to assure its customers that the processes and products have been studied and executed with good manufacturing practices. The necessary system certifications are accompanied by product certifications that attest to the type and quality of the raw material and the realization of the product. The processing of high-performance polymers, with state-of-the-art technologies and allows us to produce items that respond brilliantly to the requests of most of the current regulations that regulate the production and sale of pipes for braking systems, friction systems and air suspensions.

icona laboratory tested settori


For the automotive division, where quality is the basis and premise on which every subsequent discourse can develop, attention and sensitivity is particularly high. Mebra Plastik Italia has organized the research and development department, its production and quality control to be able to respond effectively to the needs of the sector.

The necessary system certifications are accompanied by product certifications that attest to the quality of the raw material and the realization of the product.

The technologies we have equipped ourselves over the years of collaboration with important companies in the sector allow us to provide a 360 ° service to the customer, accompanying it from the design and research phase to the prototyping phase, and then move on to a mass production constantly supervised both by the latest generation control machinery and by the decades of experience of the operators involved , supported by ad hoc procedures.


Qui di seguito riportiamo i processi coinvolti nella produzione della gamma di prodotti destinati al settore automotive.


estrusore coestrusione macchina lavorazione materiale plastico

Linee di estrusione attrezzate con tecnologie innovative e all’avanguardia ci permettono di realizzare tubi monostrato, multistrato e co-estrusi. L’utilizzo di materie prime di ottima qualità, viene quindi arricchito della possibilità di combinare le stesse sfruttandone i vantaggi peculiari e soddisfacendo ogni tipo di esigenza.


spirali air brake connessione motrice rimorchio colore rosso giallo blu nero

Attraverso il processo di termoformatura produciamo spirali seguendo le specifiche della DIN 74323. Siamo in grado di modellare tridimensionalmente i nostri tubi anche eccedendo i limiti di flessibilità del prodotto utilizzato, mediante l’utilizzo di tecniche apprese in anni di esperienza. Con la nostra tecnologia di processo e il nostro know-how, lo sviluppo passa rapidamente dai prototipi, alla serie 0 alla produzione in serie.

Progetti su misura

ricercatore scienziato analizza dati struttura chimica in laboratorio su un computer
  • R&D: il nostro laboratorio mette a disposizione tecnologia ed esperienza per una collaborazione che ha già registrato importanti successi e che continua ad avere come obiettivo crescita e innovazione;
  • PERSONALIZZAZIONI: scopri tutte le personalizzazioni possibili nella pagina dedicata;
  • ASSEMBLAGGIO: mettiamo a disposizione un reparto dedicato alla realizzazione di kit assemblati secondo le specifiche del cliente.

The other sectors

Our production has been studied and created to serve the numerous and complex applications of the industrial sector. Over time it has been perfectioned to meet the quality standards of the automotive sector and has finally expanded into a new location to cover applications of food processing.